Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Math Game Review - Auntie Pasta's Fraction Game

Not another post about food!
This time we are enjoying our Living Math, Italiano style!

First let me say this is the perfect game to start introducing the lingo and concept of fractions even and especially for your little ones.  If you are in the thick of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions already, this game is probably not going to add anything and will seem too babyish.  Because basically all you are doing is spinning a spinner and filling your "pizza pans" on the game board with either 1/4 pieces, 1/3 pieces, 1/2 pieces or 1 whole piece.  When you have built 4 pizzas in this way, you win! There are a few twists and turns to the game, but that's the main idea. The game is simple and plays relatively quickly - I like that!

It is so much fun!

Here's a look at what you get:

gameboard, up to 4 players, 4 pizza pans each to fill

a spinner

several fraction pieces with the pizza toppings on the top side, and the name of the fraction on the bottom side, and some pizza delivery boxes

What I love about this game is that although it suggests ages 6 and up, my 5-year old has no trouble, and my almost-3 year old can play it with a little assistance and a little indulgence :)
Miss A, 5 yo, very focused!

Miss M, almost 3, loves to fit the pieces in their proper place

Pair this game with a Living Math reader such as Pizza Counting!  This book is great and not only talks about fractions, but goes the opposite way and talks about "how many pizzas would it take to circle the earth" or go to the moon.  Cool!!

Auntie Pasta's Fraction Game can be purchased for less than $20.  But if you're crafty, you *could* make your own little "file-folder" game based on the pictures you've seen here.

ps this was NOT a paid announcement!

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