Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fasting with Friends and a Thought about Sacrifice

How is your Lenten fast going?

Never mind the fast, do you have your eyes glued to your Conclave or Pope Election apps or something similar?

No, wait, back to fasting. Actually, its a PERFECT day to fast. The Conclave is already underway, and our Cardinals will need all the prayer and fasting possible as they choose our new Papa. Via the Holy Spirit.  I'm so excited!

Fasting, its a sacrifice, isn't it? 

Here's a thought about sacrifice by Fulton Sheen from his Lenten Meditations (only $1.95 on your handy dandy Kindle):

An Acceptable Sacrifice

There is a world of difference between
a gift and a sacrifice. A sacrifice is a gift 
plus the love and personality of the giver.
A gift comes out of the pocketbook; a 
sacrifice out of the heart.

"The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; 
a broken and contrite heart, O God, 
you will not despise."    Psalm 51:17

A sacrifice is a gift PLUS the love and personality of the giver. That will be something to meditate on throughout the day. Fast, yes, but send your prayer intentions on Up together with your love and personality! 

Please fast with me today. Even if I never know who you are (don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing) there is something comforting about knowing you aren't alone in your struggle, right? So, struggle a little today and fast.  Fast from one meal, fast from all food, or follow the Church's guidelines (one main meal; and two small snacks which together wouldn't exceed one meal) for fasting. As long as you are offering your fasting, whatever that looks like, with love, God will honour that. 

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